Quoted By:
As you browse the monster catalogue, the glimmering star at the corner of your vision keeps distracting you. It looks so shiny and sparkly that you can't help but want to press it and see what wonders lie beyond it! Beatrice made no mention of its existence, after all. It's probably not something you should be doing with your rather limited funds, but going through the Dungeon Catalogue is <span class="mu-i">boring</span>.
Sure, the Monster Catalogue has plenty of cute goblins for you to admire, but...
It's just so dry! You don't want to sweat the small stuff, but it seems like the small stuff is all the Monster Catalogue is worried about. It doesn't give you any information about what good combinations are, or where you should begin. It's just stats this, cost that, effects of their abilities if you want to micromanage without the use of a commander. How they move through different types of terrain, how they deal with light, medium, heavy, and shield based defenses...
You don't any of this! It's way too much information to throw at a new Dungeon Core. Of course, the smart thing would be to go to Beatrice and ask her what she recommends you build, but she'd say "no goblins", and a provocation like that... you'd just build more goblins! Then there's the dumb thing to do, to "believe in urself" like Klein suggested and spin the gacha.
But you would NEVER waste your limited resources on something so shiny.
Even if there's a 20% Discount on the Starter Banner.
There's nothing on the banner that appeals to you, really. There's nothing alluring about that 4 Star succubus maid, she's not even showing any cleavage. That "bloody snow" girl looks kinda creepy, too - you don't want your dungeon to be creepy! The main character on the banner is some small demon girl with the title "Little President", and while she's cute, you'd rather spend your money on-
Wait. There in the corner, beneath the two featured 4-Star girls and the big splash image of the Little President, you see something that piques your interest. A piece of 4-Star Equipment called the <span class="mu-s">Goblin Spawner</span>.
<span class="mu-s">[Goblin Spawner]</span>
<span class="mu-i">Generates 5 goblin's per day, up to the room's monster limit. Goblins can be removed from the room by a commander or the Dungeon Master to allow for Goblins to spawn continuous. Level up to increase the number of Goblins spawned in. Refinement allows for different varieties of goblins to be spawned based upon your Dungeon Power!</span>
In that moment, Klein's words come back to you.
<span class="mu-s">Klein (Core 01029):</span> Don't think
<span class="mu-s">Klein (Core 01029):</span> Just pull
<span class="mu-s">Klein (Core 01029):</span> Believe in urself!
Without a second thought, you hit the button labeled <span class="mu-s">[10x (1+ Free!) Rolls]</span> and wait to see what the Gacha will give you. If you don't get what you want from it, you'll have to wait a week until you can do another 10 pull... but you're certain you'll be able to get the Goblin Spawner eventually!
Lights fill the air as the gacha spins, summoning new monsters for you..!