>>6080433ROUND 32
Ironing out some issues from my last absence. Back to normal in round 33.
Notable Events:
>Imperial Utah has united Nebraska!!>NARG attacks MEF>MEF attacks NFR>NFR attacks C.U.C.K.S.North TX
>NARG vs MEF>(18) vs (0) = 18 strong victory for NARGSouth TX
>NFR vs MEF>(0) vs (14) = strong victory for MEFIowa Campaign
>Canada vs NFR>(12) vs (17) = 5 victory for NFRBlue Ridge Mountains (VA)
>Bliss vs Order>(12) vs (14) 2 minor victory for OOGOhio Campaign
>Mecha Brandon vs New England>(30) vs (48) = 18 strong victory for NE >Gets Cheat Sheethttps://pastebin.com/qD49gj8f##################################
>>6080449>Rolled 1419 (1d9999)NARG +18 (+10 missed prev rolls)
>>6080457>rolled 4314 (1d9999)Canada +10 WA+2
>>6080476>Rolled 3416 (1d9999)Bliss of Befoulment +12
>>6080529>Rolled 2866 (1d9999) dubsMecha Brandon +30
>>6080536>Rolled 1210 (1d9999) straight_3New England +36 NY+1 ME+1 (+!0 missed roll)
Little bump in the road b/c I missed a day or two.
>>6080601>Rolled 1538 (1d9999)Order of the Old Gods +14
>>6080632>Rolled 3507 (1d9999)NFR +14 TN+3 FL+3
>>6080656>Rolled 3932 (1d9999)MEF +8 CA+6
>>6080719>Rolled 2628 (1d9999)UTAH +14 (missed roll +10)