It doesn't take long, given that it's somehow the only building without those lights all over the place. - CASINO THEME
The casino in question is a small and unassuming building with not a lot of detail to it aside from a bright neon sign above the front door reading "CLOVER SUITE". Another neon sign that displays a cowboy is placed right next to it.
Despite how unassuming it is, there is a MASSIVE line of people outside of the front entrance that stretches down the street. Two bouncers, one with weird wires running out of his neck and into his arms, stand by the doorway with shotguns. One look into their mind tells you <span class="mu-r">they're fully loaded.</span>
"Wow!" Benjamin coos out. "An actual casino! Father Above, it's been ages since I've actually been to one."
"Yeah. We were going to go to one. She told us that an hour ago, idiot." Ashley shakes her head. "Okay, how exactly do we get in?"
"Waiting?" Adam shrugs. "We're not in any time rush to get in. Besides, I don't think we need to draw any extra attention."
"Pft! Waiting!" Max can barely hold back her smug laugh. "I think all it would take is some talking with MY help and we're in there in five seconds."
"I really don't think we should draw any more attention to us than we need to." Ashley taps her foot on the floor. "Maybe we can sneak in somehow?"
How do you actually want to get inside of the casino?
>Just wait in the line. (The safe option, no roll needed. Most of your party's weapons will likely be taken for safety reasons.)>[MAX ALLY] "Let's have a talk with the guards." Start heading over the bouncers. A bit of smooth talking should get you in. (CONNECTIONS DC: 15, rolling 7d6 with Adam and Max's help. Pass and the bouncers will so happen to 'remember' your 'VIP status', letting you in without question and with your weapons. Failure and you'll have to wait to go inside but now, security will keep an eye on you.)>[BENJAMIN ALLY] You see a few people twitching in the line. Druggies. "Hey, Ben? Make some hard stuff." (-1 CHARGE on LICENSED PHARAMICST, the commotion will distract the bouncers enough for you to get in without anyone noticing. Security will be slightly on edge after the incident.)>[SEEKER OF THE CITY] You notice an alleyway next to the building. Maybe sneaking in through the back is the best. (You may send yourself or an ally of your choice down here without rolling any dice while the rest take another path of your choice. They'll keep all of their equipment and will be able to scout out the employee only section. Sneaking in more people will call for increasingly higher TALENT checks depending on how many you try sneaking in.)>[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] Take some time to read the minds of the guards and the people in line. (FREE ACTION, -1 RESTRAINT, WILLPOWER DC 14. You'll learn something regardless of your roll but if you pass, you'll filter out the meaningless thoughts and get even more information.)>Write in.