Reynauld isn't a talkative sort, but he'll answer your questions. He's only barely understanding what this whole
>>5967833>Can he maintain a proper posture throughout the day?"Well, currently that's very difficult, considering my spine decided to lengthen itself by a few vertebrae. Back when I was properly human, though, I kept my back straight as much as possible, and I've managed to suffer through a few noble parties in my youth. I'm also doing my best to be a good example to Snikt. Poor dear needed some bone adjustments.
>toddler fight"I can and have done this. In my defense, it was a very evil toddler the second time. The first time..."
Reynauld shudders for a moment.
"I don't like to talk about it.
>dog"Warhounds are an uncommon foe, but I've dealt with them plenty of times. In the end, they have trouble getting through armor, and the reach a good blade gives you is enough. All the same, they're also a good target for a pistol shot. The blast alone might send the pack running, if you're lucky."
>homeless crackhead"That describes about half of the people I am forced to put down, really. So, yes, easily. Just ensure you don't underestimate them.
>police man"I suppose it depends on the training, but yes, I can defeat most members of the constabulary. Especially now, considering that my mutilated form grants me several combat advantages. As much as I try not to think of that."
>SWAT officer"Same approach as the above, I'd say. A solid boot to the shield will often catch them off guard, permitting for a quick slice in the right places. Or, of course, I breathe fire. Always an option."
>soldier"Depends on their gear. If they have a modern gun, then it's a risk. I'm capable, no doubt, but as I've already found out, an automatic gun will put down even the hardiest of knights. But, in a straight fight, I'd say I'd come out on top more often than not."
>Terminator"Once more, this depends on the gear this mechanical monstrosity might have. In a straigt up fight, however, I'm likely unable to truly harm it, except through the use of my fire breath. Even then, I suspect I would need a very prolonged blast to truly slow down such a fearsome foe."
>Mecha Hitler"This one comes with two chainguns by default. The odds are most certainly against me, but I believe I can cook him alive far faster than a terminator. If I can get in close, into a blind spot, I think I could kill this genocidal madman you described."
>Lift?"Hahahaha. Please."
>Run a mile?"In full plate!"
>Truck"Before? Maybe. Currently? Most certainly.
>Corn silo"I... Wouldn't bet on it."
>Shot in the face"...Perhaps. Depends on the caliber, but my scales are *quite* hardy.
>Space'd"No. That would kill me, straight up."
>SS13"I don't know what this SS13 is, but if the clowns are involved, I suspect the answer to the above connects wonderfully to this answer."