>>5720354You think of possible escape routes. The shuttle bus wouldn’t be back to the station until the end of your 48 hour rotation, at least another 24 hours to go. That left two options. Of course, the logical option would be to make a run for the escape pods. It would be a bumpy ride in the drop pod to Kepler City, but at least they were reliable. The only problem is that they’re on the other side of the station. If Luna was telling the truth and your comrades are dead, you would likely run into the killers going that way.
The other option was… the breaching vessel. Despite the many, many problems with this idea, the thought of infiltrating such an advanced ship was tantalizing. Additionally, it was much closer than the drop pods. That didn’t necessarily mean there were no enemies on the way there, in fact it was possible that they had left a crew on the vessel.
You could also attempt to contact the outside, but you would need to make it to the command center first to use the long-range radio. Even after this, you would have to actually wait for help to arrive, if anyone was available.
>Escape pod>Breaching vessel>Call for help>Wait for shuttle>Other