Quoted By:
You take a peek innada Books Room to see which boxes got opened, what he took.
"Births and Deaths" from two years ago.
"Residency to-Own (Approved)" from two years.
"Land Excise Paid (Other)" from three years.
There's also a big box of jumbled up squiggly books with no clear order. You're not sure what he took from here. There's Whitey simbils on some ovvem.
TownBoss is looken fer sumfin. Not in the boxes; in the books. In the squigglies.
You take a couple grubby books wiv Whitey simbils on, buried near the bottom of that box, for luck. Seafood will know what's innem. Seafood knows lots.
Once youre out of the compound and cross the moat again you settle innada trees and top up your ZZZs, waking up every two Times or so to track the watchchumps.
This lot really don't sleep. On the other hand, theyz all there is; they are not relieved till sun-up.
They are relieved by just two watchchumps; more afraid of the night than the day. The day watchchumps don't have their own pollaxes; they take over from the night.
TownBoss greets the outgoers personally before they climb up the rope ladder into the Court; gives them each half a copper cup (a gill tot; rum measure) of something from a booz bottle, and a length of baccy toffee. Keeps them happy.
The drop-bridge opens; TownBoss goes out to Main. You're about to head off too when you see someone coming out of the sentry post. A woman with a washtub of clothes, and two girls; they cross the drop-bridge.
Two men and two older boys come out just after, head for Mart Street.
So: there's a tunnel from the front sentry post to either the Court building or the House. Maybe there's one from the back sentry post too.
The place really is done up proppa, like they're expecting trouble.
If trouble [i:lit]does[/i:lit] show up, most of the old Plague Towners would be here; the workers at the Pit would be at the two Cherch blocks.
>29 Dedder Dusts
>§77 + 30 gained
>=§107 bal
>Yang Wuhan still needs 56LM
>22 days remaining
>Derreschston pop. 70LM remaining
>Current Derreschston Sus penalty -5
>Serch Cherch MOAR (Ш) (familiarity bonus +15)
>Serch Cherch MOAR (Ͳ) (familiarity bonus +15 +10)
>Pit (familiarity bonus +10)
>Mass Grave (Dedder Dust collection bonus +40)
>Mart Street
>Mayorate Court
>Courthouse (Familiarity bonus +15)
>Mayorate Residence + Stables
>by chokey choke? (GARROTE)
>by slashy slash? (DAGGA)
>[From whence? Write-in]
>[What? Write-in]
>Sordyfagg Sissy + ACTION (he suffers -12 Hit Chance and Dodge chance for your first encounter; -4 thereafter)
>Pit WatchBoss
>TRAINAN (Costs §2.5/day for Toady to completely focus on training) (Carrionpede Form is currently at +4(/4) Hit Chance and +2(/4) Damage) (Gui Li imposes -1 to gains in Form per gain at this time; min gain is +1)