We are archived here:
https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=drowned%20quest%20reduxMy Twitter, where I post new thread announcements, is here:
https://x.com/BathicQMAs mentioned, new thread ETA 1-1.5 weeks from now, so let's ballpark June 16th and see how that goes. In the meantime, I will be continuing to lurk this thread, draw and write for the King Tournament (currently up: Richard has to do stand-up comedy?!), and generally prep quest stuff. SPEAKING OF...
Threads 1-4, 5-9, and 10-14 of Redux are currently fully transcribed onto fancy Google Docs!
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NFrr6hT9Ho8ThW-n86zqzf9SxTzya65c2XRBSaWZIhU/edit?usp=sharingThis means that ALL REDUX THREADS (excluding the current one, which I'll do over the break) are now compiled and archived! I am now slowly working on doing the same thing to the original Drowned Quest, though this may take a few months, because it's embarrassing to read old stuff and there's a LOT of typos to fix. Once everything's straightened out, I hope to do one last proof, then compile everything into a... 2000-3000 page PDF? This is a long quest, guys.
Feel free to drop questions, comments, concerns, etc. in this thread and I'll respond when I see them. Also, if you haven't already, I encourage you to answer my questions here
>>6025442! Have a great week!
>>6030482>I thought he was going to turn into beetles and use himself as bait here, whew Kek, I didn't even think about that.