>>6071998ROUND 14
All nations rolled this round!
Notable Events:
>New Florida Republic captures Alabama!>C.U.C.K.S captures Idaho and Montana>President Biden Restoration Movement, fending off a two-front war, retreats into the Blue Ridge Mountains.>MIC makes progress on USAF>The March on Fort DefianceMIC vs USAF
(14) vs (8) = 6 victory for MIC
>Siege of Arlington Biden Restoration vs Old Gods
(6) vs (8) = 2 minor victory for OG
Griffen's Siege on Richmond
Biden Restoration vs New England
(6) vs (16) = 10 victory for New England
>>6072000>Rolled 2982 (1d9999)UTAH +8
>>6072009>Rolled 9980 (1d9999)MEF +20 CA+6
>>6072014>>6072011>Rolled 9973 (1d9999)MIC +10 MI+4
>>6072024>Rolled 6651 (1d9999)Order of the Old Gods +8
>>6072038>Rolled 6861 (1d9999)USAF +8
>sorry i didnt roll last turn had to go to the hospital for a family emergencyI sincerely hope everyone is okay, my friend.
>>6072102 >Rolled 0944 (1d9999) DUBSNFR +30 FL+3
>>6072128>Rolled 1015 (1d9999)President Biden Restoration Movement +12 (6 NE) (6 OOG)
>>6072138>Rolled 1311 (1d9999) DUBSC.U.C.K.S. +30 WA+2
>>6072151>Rolled 9397 (1d9999)New England +14 NY+1 ME+1