Fujitora uses his sword to help himself get up and Kizaru springs up in a very lively manner. He exhales loudly and looks at his colleague.
"Looks like we got ourselves into one fine mess huh? Hmmm. Tell me Issho-san. What are our odds of doing this without breaking the island?"
"Slim to none. But I'm afraid if we don't fight without any restraints we won't have a chance."
"I was afraid you'd say that. Hmmmm?"
Kizaru looks up.
"Ooooh. The cavalry's here!"
Ryokugyu flies down with a flower sticking out of his back.
"Sorry fellas. I couldn't stop flying. I kept going and going until I almost passed out, then started falling. What did I miss?
"Ooooh. Nothing. Cavalier just punched the Fleet Admiral through Marineford. No biggie."
"W-What? H-How dare he?! Where is Akainu? Is he alright?"
"We don't know. But it didn't look like he died."
"Good! I want him to see what I'm about to do to this brat!"
"Better be careful Aramaki boy. We just discussed how we proooobably shouldn't be holding back for this one."
"Yeah! Agreed! I won't stop until my shoes pass this kids throat after I'm done shoving them up his ass! Kizaru! Do the thing!"
"The thing?"
"The thing!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbsWgCeScMoKizaru flies up into the air and spreads his arms as Aramaki spreads his roots across the ground. Kizarus body glows incandescent, as if he's become not just pure light but a star shining over the battlefield.
"Amaterasu no Okami!"
Kizaru slowly starts floating down but the sun stays, its rays nurture the greenery of Aramaki which begins to spread like wildfire, forming various extremities, mostly fists but a few formed swords or other weapons.
Wings burst from your back and you start flying around to avoid the attacks but since these are just plants they aren't as bound by bodily limitations as flesh. When one fist misses another sprouts from it and attacks you again. The whole area becomes a tangled mess of tree bark as hard as iron. Still even as it threatens to tie you up in a solid block of wood you manage to slip out only to see the mini-sun shining bright in tandem with Kizaru.
"Yasakani no Magatama!"
A deluge of light arrows rains down on you from two sources. They bombard the area around you and explode violently in an unending deluge of explosives. Using your reinforced wings you manage to swat them away one by one and keep up with them but that leaves you open for an attack from below. Vines wrap around your ankles as Aramaki swipes you off your feet.
With all his might he swings you into the block of wood he made before, causing it to burst into a million splinters. He lets go of you at that point only for you to arrive at Fujitora who's been charging his blade up until now.
"Raging Tiger!"
And he slashes you right across the chest with the weight of a world.