Quoted By:
Laboring is such a drag, so why can't we play all day?
<span class="mu-i">We all must do Our part to host the rice and maize so that it will gift Us the fruit We eat, and We all must do Our part to be guests to the Earth and Trees that gift Us the shade We sleep under.</span>
It did not take long for it to become apparent that all the playtime you had as a Little One was only possible because your elders wanted to see you smile and make Memories. You didn't need to worry about starving, shivering at night, or sweating under a hot sun. Mama gave you three Ems (younger siblings in Vietnamese) and like how Anh Tiko worked hard to make sure you had what you needed to play, you must do the same for them!
Your time as a helping Little One started easy, beginning with you just watching Baba cook and getting her the spices and tools she needed, to getting another blanket for your shivering Pappy. It would move on to helping out around the village, such as carrying firewood from the forestry or bathing the village animals. These were small Labor details, but as you got older you started participating in Labor Parties, where the whole village gets together to labor in the fields with song and snacks.
It was time to harvest the rice and you went out to the paddies with your peers for your first labor party. You heard all sorts of scary rumors from Anh Tiko and his peers, such as how boring it could be! Some of your peers were feeling it too, their minds numbing from monotonous work. So you remembered a tip from Anh Tiko:
"If everybody sang and danced to a rhythm to your motion, it can get fun! Or you can play some word games that's easy enough for you to work while you play!"
You led your peers in singing, and while it made you work a bit slower, it certainly made the work more bearable. At the end of the day, the Babas and Pappies of the village made some Jam-Filled Dumplings with the rice you harvest. It is because of this work that your favorite snack could be made!
Because you were always moving and dancing with your tools, you became more attentive to their condition since you accidentally broke a few. Your frequent visits to the Village Forge made you a charming regular for the Grown-Ups who worked there, and sometimes you would ask about all the weird things they have.
<span class="mu-g">+2 Toughness for getting out there</span>
<span class="mu-g">+1 Crafting for being a curious kid </span>
Though you had so much fun during these Labor Parties, they were mentally exhausting so you found yourself appreciating your hammock more when it was time to sleep. You worked so hard the day before, so maybe you deserve a little bit more rest time. You thought you could get away with at first 5 more minutes, then 10, then 30... Your family didn't really notice since they assumed you had already gotten up to play until Bubu showed up to ask where you were. You earned a stern talking from Pappy, and even Kari was responsible since she was the one who let you sleep.
<span class="mu-r">Sleepy Problem</span>