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For the first time in his long life Lucian could admit that he was worn to the bone. His muscles ached not because of sudden exhaustion but the constant battering of pressure and work he placed them through. Bones seemed to shutter as he tried to move his shoulder just that little bit more.
Then came the impact. The blow reverberated through Lucian as he was the iron being worked.
In front of him was Adok who wielded his hammer. The Dwarf glowed with excitement as he took a smithing hammer and tried to strike Lucian in the right hip with a single devistating blow. Quickly the Knight had to bring his arm staff around to defend against the blow with all his might.
Lucian had learned these days that while he was something other than human, dwarfs were practically there with him. Lucian felt the blow come and tried to bring it back so that his arms would take the blow yet he was so tired that the movement was wasted.
It was accompanied by a sudden spike of pain and the staff shattering under the weight of the blow. Said blow carried and connected with Lucian’s hip, causing the aches within to spike.
He did not fall though. He could not fall as long as his feet were upon the ground.
“That's the seventeenth staff you broke this night!” Adok made sure the blame for their destruction was not upon him but Lucian as he hefted the hammer over his shoulder, “One more time.”
Lucian found another staff flying into his hands and a blow quickly there after. He felt his blood rush with a sudden spark of excitement as he raised his weapon to block the blow that was coming straight for his skull. Before the attack even landed Lucian was bringing back the staff for he knew the strike was coming.
As it connected Lucian felt the weight beind it balanced upon the staff. As the hammer made contact with his armor the blow had become something closer to a punch than a hammer blow.
“There you go!” Cheered Adok as he readied the next blow, “Now keep thinking about it until it becomes instinct!”
With that roar of triumph Lucian was once again in a world of pain.
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