>>5946746>Get some of your men and the guardsmen to help the injured guardsman and Lars out from not bleeding to death.The hand grenade was clearly not holy enough.
>Discuss a plan with the guardsmen. Now that you were together, you could think of something together to deal with this rabbit once and for all.>>5946818If we try and bait her into a smoke cloud again, it's entirely possible she'd realise she was being baited since we did that once already, these girls can be smart, and she knows we pose more of a threat than the local redshirts. We need to get her into a confined space where she can't dodge like a long, narrow hallway where we can cook her all the way down (flamethrowers have a much, much longer range than video games and films might suggest, easily tens of metres). Best case scenario, our bait drops smoke as they run, duck out to the side and then Alan steps up with the rabbit rump roaster. The difficult bit is getting her to go where we want her.