>>6115022“I’m not going to treat—” you catch yourself almost saying ‘Willow’ right there. “… to treat Salicera any different just because we… uh… we… uhm, she kissed me. Oh, Sun-Birther.” You cover your face with your hands, blushing redder than the apples on the tray. “I did not know what to do.”
“Such a common occurrence,” Rubida chuckles. “It has served you well so far… this was just a reminder, Candente. Soralisa already has to deal with debilitating injuries, and I don’t want to have to deal with anything worse. Especially not in heathen lands, with… Asterites,” she almost spits the last word out. “Just a reminder, really. Keep your head on your shoulders, Candente. I never thought I would say this, but I trust you to get us out of there alive, if something goes wrong. The Sun-Birther apparently holds you in high regard. High enough we may be able to run on your coattails… if you are not too lost in your daydreams, may they be romantic or not.”
“That’s not the way I see it. I am not anything special, I don’t want to feel like I’m anything special either—”
“Oh, Candente, blessed be your countryside bumpkin heart,” Rubida pats your hand with hers. “That is precisely what makes you special. You doofus.” She glances at your head. “Now let’s finish breakfast, you put your hood on, and then we can go get some proper equipment from the local Temple of Flame. The influence of the Dell’Obertengo family stretches wide, I’ll let you know.” A pause. “Oh, and if you need help with keeping Salicera happy, you know…” she smirks, jutting her tongue out of her lips for a moment, “… I was told I make for a great teacher.”
You feel weak in your knees.
>You finish breakfast and leave for the local Temple with Rubida. Let’s check what kind of armour and armaments they can give you…>You decide to invite Soralisa for breakfast as well and check if she also wants to come with you to the Temple. >This being a harbour town, perhaps you can also go to the docks to check if you can find any news on the Heathen Lands and the way you are going to get on that boat…>[Suggestion]thanks for your patience. this was a long update all things considered. And did you really think Rubida would not find out about your little tryst? as if you did not have enough things to worry about...