Quoted By:
“Really?” Lucian asked as he tried to confirmed that his ears hadn’t played him false.
“Its true.” The Lady said as she shook her head with a frown, “He must be trying to rile you up. Sitting upon what was once your home.”
Lucian could not help but give the lady a confused expression, “Maybe, but he’s not going to succeed. Its pretty dangerous lands there and having a new castle there would not be a bad thing.”
“Really?” The Lady gave an expression that showed just how confused by those words she was.
“Indeed, it would be another issue if he dug up the graves of my family. Those were made with stone clearly defined. If he were to disturb those then I shall not only ask Morr to curse him, but go out there myself.” Declared Lucian as he reached over and picked up a quill, “Should I send a letter to him?”
“About your ultimatum?” Emelina asked with a sly smile upon her lips.
“Well that and to express my thanks.” Lucian told her, “If the fool thinks that reinforcing Bretonnia is something I am against then he is wrong. I have no rights to that land either, only the blood that is within the soil. I would be pretty saddened if he destroyed my raspberry plants though.”
With a quill in hand Lucian began writing. The Lady was confused at first but started helping him after a few minutes of waiting. Such text was crude even by Lucian’s understanding yet he did not care for it would express his opinion well enough.
A courier was fetched the day after. Lucian did not put any mind to it as the letter made its way towards his once home.
It was only three days later did the reply come.
<span class="mu-i">Lucian the Damned,
It seems that you have lost all your marbles and honor upon secluding yourself within Castle Veristage. Not only have you seen my actions as beneficial to you but you have also become so deluded that you think I would exhume the dead.
I mark it upon these pages, peasant, your loved ones remain undisturbed. I am no fool to digress against Morr.
Your writing is horrible.</span>