>>5981711>>5980875>>5980392>>5980373>>5980235>>5980299>>5980206>>5979904>>5979829>>5979717>>5979682>>5979633>>5979560>>5979550>>5979539>>5979536>>5979516>>5979493>>5979479>>5979476>>5979475>>5979466>>5981729At long last, the gates are again closed, the contestants set, and the game afoot! As the prophecy foretold, these are the days of the LOSER’S BRACKET for the SILVER CROWN OF /QST/!
In this tournament, there can be TWO winners, but only ONE loser-of-note… Awww what am I saying. I think we can all agree that this crowd has shown us that we’re ALL notably losers, right?
Anyway, Olympus QM’s fantastic art has begun rolling in, so let’s begin, shall we?