you run to him, but he sees you and casts something.
the shape of a man shrinks inside its encasement of..."mud", which collapses in on itself, dropping along with the shape of what looks like a wriggling fish into the canal. oh fuck, it's a druid. you're not finding that guy ever again down here. that being said though, even if he can be a fish, having to swim through this to freedom is probably worse then any prison sentence a man could ever conceive of.
the green elf blinks and says
>bad time to goblin hunt. miscreants about[17]
your offer of a healer is accepted. apparently the presence of a few prisoners down here escaping is enough to convince him not to be here. guess that petrification problem will be dealt with
speaking of, something golden and unnatural glints for a moment down the tunnel, before vanishing as you try to focus on it...that was not a fucking person. you might, in fact, actually have to order a new sewer purge here. whatever the fuck you just saw wasn't a thing that should exist in this world.
if that's the case, druid guys probably dead anyways. no intervention needed.