Quoted By:
Lucian held the weapon behind the neck of the woman, his eyes meeting hers with a concentration of hatred and mirth. He could only wonder how someone like her existed in such a pitiful state of affairs. To be a dark and evil person who damned their loved ones to death for single coin.
He understood, in some part, that this is what the Noblemen saw when they looked upon the Peasantry. This is what they saw when they walked out of their castles into the villages of their people. Despicable folk who did not even understand the value of a life.
It will not be true of all Peasants. Lucian understood that to be the case. As he was looking at it from the outset he realized that maybe the same infestation was upon the Nobleman as well. He did not know but it was a hunch.
What mattered here was, “You have committed a crime in assisting the robbers of Grail Knight Osmont’s grave. In doing so you have damned not only yourself, but the entire Priesthood of Morr to the slaughter of a Necromancer. May Morr forgive you.”
The woman’s eyes widened as Lucian brought the blade forward. She did not even have a moment to scream as her head was removed from the shoulders with a swipe of the scythe.
He looked upon the body for only a second. Then, after he looked upon it, he turned his back towards it and opened the door.
The bar that the woman placed down was removed, but the weight that was upon it was not completely gone. With a small push he pushed forward and with a tumble the old woman who had welcomed him into the building fell over with what was terror written across her face.
“Take her to the Garden of Morr.” Lucian told the woman, “She has paid for her sins. Do not follow in her example.”
The old lady nodded rapidly before throwing herself out of the way of Lucian. As he did he saw that Adok was hanging in the stairwell looking at him with an inquisitive eye, “So what happened this time?”
“She betrayed a lover.” Lucian answered him.
“Then she deserved it.” Barked the Dwarf as his examination came to a close, “I didn’t find anything, did you?”
“I did.” Lucian said as he walked up to the dwarf, “We head to the Gardens.”
>Bring this to the attention of some Nobles
>Head there by one’s self
Wish I had more time, but nah.