Clearing out the last of my interactions before the tourney proper. Thanks for all the Richard votes, folks! He'll put in a good word for you when the world ends.>>5976104>The Prince of Bloodrise was called a 'wyrm', too... "How interesting. I wouldn't imagine they're the same, though. The WYRM would never stoop to the pettiness of rulership."
>I'm not sure what you mean by 'dimensions', but it SOUNDS like the Hellish Realms or the hidden places where the Dark Ones dwell to me."A hellish realm, yes. Hah. In a way it is that. A hidden place, too. Do you not think 'dark ones' is terribly offensive?"
>Are you from the same place as that 'Skyeskal' fellow?"I wouldn't know. Why would you think so?"
[In notes] "Myopic. Relates all experiences to their limited own. What is their understanding of this "tournament"? Where do they think they are? Hypothesis: my hyper-awareness of the situation is unusual; most perceive this as fitting within their own worldview-- psychological protection? [Note lack of distress/urgency among 'competitors'] Or are they (like the human man) still literally within their own dimensions? A mix? As ever, further monitoring required.