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The <span class="mu-i">Heart of the Mists</span>, your own A-19 Duskseeker Long-Range Scoutship, sits to the western side of the hangar, untouched by all but the crew who had guided it in. Despite being several decades old, the Incom Corporation scoutship is in extremely good shape, any damage done on your expedition having been repaired before your return to Coruscant. The name hadn’t been your choice, you were content to keep its previous name, but when Rynon first saw it, and when you told it where you had purchased it (the Inner Rim agri-world of Taanab, at the junction of the Perlemian Trade Route and Lorrell Run) she insisted on the name it carries now. It wasn’t until you had departed Cerea on the last leg of your journey through civilized space before reaching Bakura at the edge of Wild Space that your Padawan had told you of her first memories, of the shimmering Transitory Mists of the Hapes Cluster. They were fuzzy though, and her only other formative memories were at the Jedi Temple; still, you were happy that she could remember a time before she was taken in by the Order, you couldn’t. It did raise a question you knew that she didn’t have the answer to, because while your apprentice was near-human, she definitely wasn’t a Hapan.
The A-19 is a relatively unpopular long-range scoutship, first introduced by the Incom Corporation around forty years ago. Its 21 meter body is long and thin, with a long box wing ensconcing the rear third of the fuselage, a bulbous cockpit with curved windows to allow the pilot a panoramic view, and a sensor suite borne on a finned hump just behind the cockpit. The production model came with a single chin-mounted laser cannon, but the <span class="mu-i">Heart of the Mists</span>’s had been removed before you came into it, replaced with a pair of laser cannons on either side of the hull, just under the shroud, and a swivel-mounted missile rack on the belly, which can fire forward or rear. It’s hard not being proud of the vessel that carried you into and out of the Unknown Regions, after all, what happened there wasn’t the ship’s fault.