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You gave the Buckle Gang one of your cloths you embroidered yourself, a very common gift, but personal nonetheless. You part ways with the Buckle Gang, satisfied with earning your first Memory of your journey.
You arrive at the next village by sunset, called "Three-Clawed Grove" due to the clawed-shaped leaves of their oak trees. If they were doing anything in the day, they have completed it and its residents have returned to their households. You make your way to the village center, and like yours, it has a small grove of oak trees, an amber shrine to store goodies for Fairies, and a bell arc to summon all villagers.
<span class="mu-i">Like amber, bells are sacred objects but are associated with community instead of protection. The ringing of a bell reminds Us of having a large family, wherever We are in the village, We can hear the ringing of the bell. Even every household has its own little bell, rung to summon the family for meals. Tiny Little Ones are adorned with bells so that they can easily be located and kept safe.</span>
Neither you nor Kari have relatives here, but you could always trust the village Gravie family to be familiar with Bubu to an extent. He seems drawn to be hosted by them, perhaps because it's a familiar environment, though it could be a little bit spooky to sleep at the graveyard. However, every household is always willing to host Youthies. Whatever labor you owe to this village will have to wait until the next day anyway.
Where will you stay for the night?
>At the Gravie House because Bubu is most comfortable around spooky things.
>At a random household, they might ask you to help cook.
>Hang up your hammocks at the grove, it's a nice night and you might be able to collect some acorns to mash.