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The town that ran adjacent to Castle Bastonne was in an uproar as people from all walks of life had heard the news of the slaughter.
It did not matter if it was a door or window, each and every one of them were barred shut with planks of wood. Even the animals, let them be rat or pig, had disappeared from the outside as the people brought their property into their homes.
It looked as though the people of the town had disappeared in thin air. Baskets were left in the open and small barricades were erected across the entrance of far more furnished establishments. The mud on the ground made it obvious that a stampede of people had come through the area yet there was barely a soul in slight with the exception of Lucian and Adok.
“You Umgi are more skittish than the Raki.” Adok said as they walked through the streets.
“A Necromancer is on the loose.” The Peasant Squire pointed out as he walked side by side with the Dwarf, “No one here can fight him. I told you how harrowing a Vampire was, a necromancer is just like that.”
Adok thought to himself for a moment, pondering what he should think of those words, “Guess its the Knights who do all the fightin’ while the Peasants cower. Guess that makes you a Knight!”
“I-I am not a Knight!” Lucian said in reflex at the simple jest, “There are still plenty of Yeoman within the streets as we speak helping to find the Necromancer or guarding the castle.”
“I don’t see any and Dwarf eyes are pretty good.” Pointed out Adok with a smirk, “I think its here.”
The two of them stopped out in front of a large townhouse. All floors of the building were oddly boarded up even from wood way too old to have been there before the news of the Necromancer. There was a small sign that said something Lucian could not read but it was placed on the picture of what looked to be a peach.
Walking up to the door, Adok gave the door a test. Seemingly barred as well, he gave it a few good knocks, “Anyone home?”
Still nothing.