Quoted By:
“I… I did not know that.” Lucian said as he felt his heart become somewhat solemn, “Thank you for sharing it, but who else knows?”
“Only those who need to know for they embarked on researching it.” Answered the Grail Knight as he shook his head solemnly, “I committed myself to the searching of such Lore after the defeat of El Syf by Louis the Pious. During that time the corrupted Duke had laid the seeds of his invasion by sending groups just like the one you killed.”
“Really? Then they are preparing to do something.” Lucian asked as he felt his heart waiver.
“Indeed, such is why I stand before you here today to tell you the name of your nemesis.” The Grail Knight stated plainly, “Nagash is behind all of this just as he was behind El Syf’s return. It would not surprise me if the death of Galand’s line is in relation to all that has been happening.”
“What do you mean by that?” Lucian dared as he turned towards the Grail Knight.
There was a subtle shaking of the head from the warrior, “Your cloistered existence exceeds a Damsel it seems. Duke Eldral, last in Galand’s Line, was assassinated by a traitorous Knight a decade ago.”
Lucian felt a sudden thought click in his mind.
The Grail Knight continued, “As the two were close Moriset took on Regency of Aquitaine before either an heir to Eldral could be found or someone of high honor came to take up the title. Neither have yet to happen and I do not foresee any warriors of the current age matching to the King’s Standard.”
“I see, thank you for telling me all this my Lord.” Lucian told the Knight with a genuine warmth within his bosom, “But why? I am an Errant, and before that a peasant.”
“I am in agreement with Prince Gillot.” The Grail Knight announced firmly with such conviction that Lucian could not deny the next few words, “Your appearance, a peasant blessed by the gods, had happened once before with Repanse de Lyonesse. In it you have fought the servants of Nagash twice, and so closely between one another in time. None, except thou whom the Gods have blessed, has had such luck.”
With those words Lucian felt the Knight begin to make his leave, “Be strong, Heir to Ruin, for if you cannot bear this title then the End Times are upon us.”