>>6081894"Did no one suspect."
>Not at first.>I stopped my Tainted alms apace.>I returned to the grave by day, to observe.>She was weak still, and had not fed>so did not heal, nor emerge.>I threw the lees from then on>Seeking to first know all the bright of the Taint before searching the pitch of it."What have you found of the bright of the Taint."
>Strength and joy.>On one draught a man may work at books three days and nights unfatigued>Or a day and half afield.>The thirst of the damned also began.>They wanted bloodier and bloodier meat>And bit with whom they lay in wanton throe.>All who noticed resented a little>Until I offer them draught again, their slavery in the face of joy forgotten."What caused the Adventurers to be sent."
>I only guess.>Perhaps some of my addicted traveled to be free of me and were noticed>Or for dearth of blood attacked people and we're upon capture examined.>When I found that they had come I told those with me to be pliant to the seekers.>It worked at first>But those Seconded by the Church were sober to their mission>They did not leave for many months, even with nothing found.>It was that Wizard, Urbandt.>He noticed that there were many recent Holy Castings>Which I had done to suppress the worst ghulefacts>those who had taken both bright and pitch Taint.>So he stayed determined, and the others with him.>I could not keep up the pretense and suppress.>At last I lapsed in my precautions.>The Thirst displayed itself in the open>And they knew to stay."You were suspected without proof. Now you had to destroy them and disappear. So you increased your doses, broke off your safety, and commanded an army against them."
>Yes.>In the end.>Some of them could be bought.>With Commendations to the Church>With access and knowledge, proscribed>With church gold and draught, sold as safe.>Our forces met and matched; mine wanted nothing>But time.>But the people rallied to them>All who had not taken Draught>Or those who, having taken, yet curbed their flesh by their spirit.>Time was bought for the Seekers, and they struck at me twofold, afar and directly.>You see their result.>The Good triumphant, Evil destroyed."Delayed. Only delayed. This sign on their skulls. It is a Purification."
>Yes.>Of a kind.>Holy Prohibition>To follow earthen law and die, not rise, lest a judgement worse befall.>For most common folk, mere venals, and most Adventurers, of evil indeliberate>It holds sufficient.>Those worse will fade the mark even at its impress>So demanding stronger measure."Whose mark is this."
>An aspect of the Lady, as Chastiser.>Look not at all too close, or you will see Her already looking."Hm. I have more matters pressing. When I have all strength regained I shall have time for [i:lit]gods[/i:lit]."