>>5967833Kiro doesn't like that half of these involve beating people up or getting beat down but he'll roll with it. But he's getting his TPN navy issue glocko.
>Posture"Yeah but standing at attention is so boring though..."
>Beat a toddler/dog."Why would you even suggest that, you monster!"
>Beat a homeless crackhead"We have great medical bay, together we can beat any addiction! Say no to drugs, kids!"
>Beat a Poiliceman/SWAT/Soldier"You better believe I can throw a mean flashbang, not to mention my secret move: SMG Tailslide Attack!!"
>Beat Terminator/Mecha Hitler"Uhh, can I nuke it from orbit? Precision GRASER strike? Might even be a job for the mass driver, honestly... I'll call it in!"
>Lifting/Running"I work out, its not every day you see a Marrok like me with a Body 2 stat! And we use civilised units of measurement, I can run for kilometres ! :P"
>Survive Silo"Depends if its empty or not. I grew up on a farm and those those things are pretty thin."
>Garbage Truck"No, I'm just a little guy. Mum taught us to watch both ways before crossing the street. I don't wanna be roadkill!"
>Shot in the face/Flung into space"Thats what my trusty helmet is for. It can deflect bullets and let me spacewalk. Great fun!"
>SS13"Space stations are like ships but stationary... how hard could it be?" *Nervous lizard noises*
>Survive Hell in a Cell plummet"I'm light and sturdy! Not only would I survive but I'm climbing back up to getcha! Can't you hear the crowd chanting my name! Kirooooo Skyyyyyskalllll!!!! Keheheehe"
>Supernatural trickery"We mainly do science here but..."
*Does detachable thumb magic trick*
>Cure OP"If I ever hear anyone say 'lizussy' again I'm gonna stop being so heckin' polite! You know who you are..." >Post over the limit"FoZ you know how to hack pre-Cataclysm tech, right? No, its for clout! Internet clout! Pretty pleeease!"
>Inane questions"What, I only ask sincere questions, I promise!"