mercs were eventually called to a briefing presented by Chief Warrant Officer Zoric, as the briefing started an annotated map of the area of operations was put up on screen.
“Mercenaries, command has decided to capture a nearby airbase on the Yagmur plateau, you are offered a contract to participate in this capture operation; codenamed: Iron Sky.”
“The operation will consist of two phases; the first phase requires us to eliminate enemy units in the surrounding area to ensure complete control over the region once the airbase falls. The Neromians are known for their use of cavalry but they are quite capable of using modern technology when it suits them. Several of their artillery and electronic support tanks are stationed at the nearby town of Yagvosk. While it is possible to circumvent Yagvosk and attack the airbase directly, leaving these enemies at our backs is unacceptable.”
“The Neromains have also set up a long range SAM battery in the Yilma Valley. Taking the airbase is pointless while that battery is still active as it will shoot down any aerial reinforcements we try to bring over the mountain. Unfortunately we do not know the exact location of the SAMs so you’ll have to sweep the area and hunt them down. Unlike the jammer mission the vegetation is sparse and they’re all deployed on plateaus so finding them shouldn't be too hard.”
“Once phase 1 is complete all forces will converge on the airbase itself for phase 2; the actual capture of the base. If phase 1 goes smoothly they enemy should not be able to resist us. Phase 2 will also see our own aircraft flying in over the Midas Range to provide close air support for us. They do not have enough fuel for a return trip so they are depending on us to succeed in capturing the base.”
“One last thing: Intel has confirmed the presence of a heavy VTOL squadron parked at the airbase. During phase 1 they will almost certainly be scrambled to reinforce either Yagvosk or the Yilma Valley. Where they are sent, we cannot be certain, so expect to encounter them no matter which mission you participate in. That is all.”
>This campaign turn will have three missions: the two phase 1 missions happen simultaneously; players that deploy in one cannot deploy in the other. You do not have to commit to a specific mission right now but keep that in mind. All players can deploy for the final mission in phase 2.