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“I got your armor!” Yelled Adok as he walked up to the Squire as Lucian had been removing the cloth from the clothesline, “You’ve done good work there!”
“Thank you.” Lucian said as he allowed the cloth to wave before him.
The heraldry was that primarily of Morr’s raven. The silhouette of the beast was really the only thing visible as Lucian could not manage anything like the highlights other masters could do. Yes he was happy that it was easily recognized that the beast’s wings were exactly what they were supposed to be.
Within the claws of the creature was a scythe, the weapon that Lucian would continue to use even when he became a Knight, and a set of berries. In the end he must honor his home and everyone must know that he does so. In a sense it acted as a marker that he was from Aquitaine for no other provinces would invoke such honor in their fruits.
Yet none would devote themselves to anything other than grapes. There would be no mistaken Lucian from all others who pay such a tax of honor.
The rest of the cloth was green. A somewhat dark iteration of it that told everyone just what Lucian had come from. A Peasant who had come from nothing and was now a Knight. He recognized this and with honesty Lucian was proud that he was able to achieve such a powerful feat.
With a little bit of help Lucian was able to equip the armor that Adok had made for him. For the first time in his lifetime Lucian could feel the sheer weight of the metal resting all across his body. Indeed Lucian could feel the sheer labor of a Dwarf as he knew exactly how heavy this armor was before putting on like this.
Lucian noted that the Dwarf could not resist putting ornamentation upon the armor. Several pieces of the armor were highlighted with silver steel as the craftsman could not get his hands upon enough gold to make a desired gold highlight. Upon the top of Lucian’s head was that of a raven’s head about the size of a fist just as Remon suggested.
Taking one of the cloths that were made Lucian settled it across his shoulder. The next was affixed to a stick and handed to Adok to carry for no others would be willing.
Remon walked out of the tent with three peasants at his side. He was wearing full armor with the exception of the arm that was sacrificed for Lucian’s sake. He looked upon his squire with an appraising eye that Lucian could not see.
“You are ready.” The Knight said as he walked infront of the two, “Come, you are ready to take the Errant’s Vow.”