>>5974386>>5974408>>5974491Going back to the first room, you take a right turn and randomly enter one of the four "private" rooms spread through this area. Inside is a small, tight space, with two mossy folding chairs staring directly at a vine-covered strip pole sticking out of a small stage in the corner. Wow, what a ripoff, imagine paying extra just to sit in a cramped room without a bed or anything.
Is there even a point to this kind of place if you don't get to have sex at the end? Why wouldn't you just look at naked ladies from the comfort of your own home, WITHOUT throwing money away like an idiot? How inefficient. You'd call the men that visit this place primitive, but your world has near-identical locations all over your hometown too, still standing to this day.
>"I'll never understand men, I suppose..."Regardless, even though you don't see any dead bodies this time, you do see some bills tucked away in the corners of the stage, hidden away behind a layer of tiny grass patches and something that could be mold, might as well grab some of those!
>Obtained 30 Hex! (Total: 1280)>"S-Storkie, what are you doing?? We heard the voices upstairs remember, let's go check that out!">"Shut up, I'm exploring!">"No you're not, you're just stealing all their money! The ladies that work here probably worked very hard for that!">"Oooor, maybe they robbed some orphans or something. They're a gang y'know, they'd do that type of stuff.">"The money was ON the stage!!">"Maybe they have so much money they use it as decoration then, I dunno- Oh cool, a coin!">Obtained 1 Hex! (Total: 1281)You notice a pretty large wine bottle laying next to one of the chairs, wrapped around some roots that stretched up through the cracks on the floor. You unfortunately cannot read the label due to multiple layers of stains covering it up, but there's definitely some liquid inside. Whether you want to drink it or not is something you'll have to figure out later though, can't drink it in here even if you wanted to because of the gas mask.
>Obtained wine(?) bottle!>"But Storkie, weren't we here to ask them to help us? Why would we steal from them and then ask them for help??">"They're not gonna find out, dumbass! Stop worrying so hard, this building has zero security, if they get robbed that's their problem!">"Mmm..."That girl whines so much about every stinking little thing! She always wants to take the high ground, but when you actually make sense (which is usually the case, naturally!) she just mumbles like a baby and cowers away! Doesn't she know you're the brains of the operation?! And the brawn too, come to think of it... The point is, she's your partner, she shouldn't be doubting you so much every step of the way!
Anyways, rant aside, what will you do now?
>Investigate yellow plant in the other room>Go into (what you think is) a small vent in the corner>Go outside and try the wine out>Just go upstairs... maybe?>Write in