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Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World #3

!!4mnDVUrwiI8 ID:scqBHjw4 No.5948692 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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>[Hey hey du~de. Ya' daily report alarm just rang. Wanna make one?]
>"Ah, right... Yeah sure, whatever."
>"*cough cough ahem* STR-K Pilot 337, reporting in. As specified in my previous report, me and CC-DA Pilot 609 have arrived in what seems to be the center of this civilization we've landed upon, "The Capital" as they call it. A rather great town compared to the filth we had wandered through beforehand. Smoke-filled skies, streets and vehicles, angry people walking about, it almost feels like home..."
>[Wanna bring up that magic dice voodoo ya' started doin'? And all the local folk ya' murdered?]
>"N-No way! My superiors would lock me up if they heard about that! D-Don't forget to cut that part out before saving this... Anyways! We're currently residing in a massive structure called "The Tower"... they're pretty uncreative with names around here I suppose... B-But I digress. Inside this tower we met up with the local monarch, the Icicle Queen. I couldn't quite understand her explanation, but from what I've gathered the only way for us to return home is using a certain device she has created, which requires a certain source of energy she does not possess..."
>[Psst... She means a magical staff-]
>"Sh-Shut up! Magic isn't real! Yeah sure, it "looks" like a magic staff, but I'm certain it's just some kind of technology we just don't understand, much less the locals! Cut that part out too or I delete your System 32 by the way! But yeah, without that "magic staff", which is in the possession of this really creepy pointy ear girl, it seems like we'll be stuck here for some time still... I wonder if I should take this time off to relax a bit... Ah! C-Cut that part out too!"
>[How 'bout that weird bit with all the flashin' colors hallucinogenic bee-ess goin' on? Don't wanna bring that up?]
>"I still have no idea what you're talking about! Stop taking up log space with your nonsensical ramblings! Uhh... STR-K Pilot 337. Out!"
>[Aaaaaand... Cut!]