>ROBOTS ARE THE BEST, S2/E/O2 (nBW, q9R, m0e vs B4d and mxP>LIMITED EDITION OVERSEER BOX "Alright, sir, I'm going to be offline for a little bit! Software update and all. I'll see you tomorrow. Don't do anything too stupid, okay?" S-4M's face disappears from the screen. A coat flutters down from a pipe right above your head.
You grab onto Old World Blues and put it on. It's incredibly snug and comfortable. Even just wearing it for a few seconds makes you feel all sorts of warm and fuzzy. It takes some force of will to stand up from your chair. You slowly exit your office.
Wait, your coffee got returned. A small cup of doublecaf coffee is resting on your desk. You're absolutely grabbing that before going outside.
Your body feels more solid, you note. Normally your legs would be burning or your torso would have an awful thick sloshin to it. But for now, you feel somewhat...normal. A warm, fuzzy feeling flows to your head to your toes.
You pass by a few employees but none bother to acknowledge you exist. Hell, Zayne bumps against you and keeps going as if you weren't even there. Dustin does too, and you don't think they're the type to do it to fuck with you.
You slide into the elevator and push a button before leaning back against the wall. The doors, half-repaired after the Ranger fight, shut close. Your ascent begins. It feels like it takes even longer to get to the surface. Or maybe it's the coat making you sleepy.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlQI4j8LCLU It keeps getting colder, colder, yet colder as your ascent continues. And when the doors open, you're barely prepared for the freezing gust of super chilled, frigid wind. Yet, you press on. Stepping into the artic abyss yet again.
You grab a hold onto one of the slick, worn railing. Each step is carefully taken to avoid a twenty (thirty? maybe even forty) story drop onto the busy road below. The bright lights of skyscrapers beam from far, far away. If it wasn't for them, it would be pitch black out here.
You think you see at least a dozen more lit up than there were last time you were out here. The City grows every day, the City Slickers moving around, the red blood cells of this pit of frost and decay. The Alphabet Companies, the organs...
Despite it all of the anomalies that bend the laws of reality, despite all of the Companies that bend the rules of morality, despite how utterly inhospitable it is here...
[DYING LIGHT] You still love this City. In your heart of hearts, you don't want her destroyed. You want her to be better. Brighter.
[HOPELESS WRECK] It'll outlive all of us. We're fucking dust compared to it.
You stop in your tracks, turning to stare into the skyline miles on miles away from you. Snow and ash are coating every inch of your body, turning you numb to any sensation besides your mind. Something speaks to you. You grip onto the coat tightly.
<span class="mu-i">It's okay, sonny. Take a deep breath, I'm here to help you.</span>