>>5808329>>5808394>>5808619>>5808715>>5808864>"it's important to keep a sense of self">acquired [PERSONALITY ASSESMENT: Spiritual •••]"She keeps her sense of self a lot too much for my taste", Grace seems to literal wash her mouth with beer after saying such thing.
"Why is she called 'Bitch Queen'? Is this some BDSM name?"
Grace giggles, chuckles and completes with a laugh. "No, kiddo. I wish it was because of that! The root of all evil is being a control freak. And it seems time didn't change her. Even when younger than you, she had this mom personality."
"If she's a big name in alt scene, it must work for her this personality"
"It does! And I don't need to tell you how many boys and girls come to her searching for a mom...", she sighs with a malicious smile on her face, "But do you see how basic and lame this name is? People think it's about kink, but it's about paperwork!"
"Looks like she's subversive."
"She is!"
"Subversion can be a way to change yourself and keep what makes you still inside. She may alternate between these two selfs, but it's all way to reassure herself. Throughout her constant change in demeanour, she can express her nature without hurting herself and keep tabs on her own community. It has been working, based on what you're saying..."
"But deep down? Full of shit. She's a nosy rat who wanna know everything about everyone. One does not reign over someone without dirty on them. Imagine doing this with a whole Scene!"
Bitch Queen is resourceful, then? It would explain her connection with senior curator from Terra Foundation. Nonetheless, how to connect better these threads?
"Gotta anything against rats, Grace?", Lamar speaks in a sweet and calm voice, but you could tell he's carrying a knife on his smile.
"You get what I said"
"No, I didn't"
"Don't you start"
"I didn't start anything", he keeps his smile.
"Alright, you two!", Peter ends the conversation. "Everyone's good on food?", all including you agree, "Good! You know what this means, guy and gals..."
Peter puts the plate with six shots on the middle of the table. Each one gets one and raise it in silence. For a moment, everyone waits for who's going to speak. You are waiting. It's clear they know who's doing it.