>>5469561>>5469564>>5469569>>5469591>>5469680>>5469712>>5469715>>5469804>>5469808Fire it is.
The age concludes with our people harnessing the power of fire, and integrating it with home, hunting and religious rites.
An age passes, and a new one begins.
Each age, our population increases based on a random roll of the die. Certain techs grant population boosts, like sustainable sources of food like Fishing or Agriculture. Other techs grant things like combat bonuses, culture boosts and so on.
Our population is now:
>127 Children>53 Hunters>48 Gatherers>228 TotalOur random events for this age are as follows:
It is an age of terrible winter, a cold and lingering snow. It is fortunate that a combination of fire and stored food has saved our people.
1) This age, amidst the terrible snow and harsh conditions, a traveler appears to our people. He leads a group of half-elven people, and he himself is one of our kind. They claim to have been guided here by visions, much like your people were last age. Many have died on their journey, and they seek to join with your people. Their leader is tall and strong, a Heroic unit. Should you accept him and his retinue into your culture this age, he can accomplish a single significant feat of your choosing; as a Great Hero, he can do something along the lines of adventuring in a direction of your choosing, slaying a monster, securing a significant hold, or something else similarly heroic. Should he survive this age, a bloodline carrying his heroic traits will go forward.
2) At night, in the cosmos high above, twisting around the stars, a strange creature can be glimpsed, a serpentine figure of equal parts light and darkness, moving between the stars. It is infrequently seen, and its true length is impossible to determine.
3) During one such stargazing event, one of your people becomes possessed by a supernatural entity, possibly the same one seen above. With her eyes glowing white, she proclaims herself to be the Snake God, the one who coils around the stars themselves, and demands your worship. The Snake God has taken this female mortal's form to receive your adoration and tribute.
How do you react to these events?
A quick RIP to JDF the Green Ranger. May the power protect you, Tommy.