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[SFX: muffled roaring]
When you hear Sailater you can't help looking up at the ceiling! Do you think Joe needs your help?
"I will soon instruct you both." Auroara glances at you and looks around the huge room and then looks at the Auraprimas and says "We will require the assistance of some fellow... um, some mons."
Tamounda says "Tamounda!" and hides behind you and peeks out at Auroara! It seems like he doesn't want to get poked by any more horns!
The Auraprimas look around at the huge room and one of them asks Smellapath "What is this place, mon?"
"Some kind of prison?"
<span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-b">"This was once the mon pens of the Copper Citadel Arena. But it is our home now. It has been our home for a long time. The humans do not even remember it is here."</span></span>
One of the Auraprimas glances up and says "Yes, it certainly is... old."
The other Auraprima looks at Auroara and says "You were about to explain the method of regaining energy."
"Um." Auroara looks around and sees Tamounda and Tamounda hides behind you again! Auroara looks at the Auraprimas and says "As I recall, you can use Aura Beam, and together you can use Dissolution, correct?"
The Auraprimas glance at each other and then one of them looks at Auroara and says "I don't have enough energy to use either of those."
"I don't even have enough energy to use E-Arc, Prima."
Auroara shifts her stance and crosses her arms in front of her and grins at the Auraprimas. "But you have a Horns attack."
The Auraprimas can't believe it! "You really expect us to-"
"I thought an Auroara would have more tact than to-"
"Auraprima, use Horns!"
You meant to say that out loud! The Auraprimas both turn their heads and glare at you and one of them says "Who does this mon think it is, Aura?"
"It has yet to learn its place, Prima."
You can't help looking at Auroara and... What? Auroara is grinning at you? She glances at the Auraprimas and says "It seems you're the first volunteer, little mon."
You look down at Tamounda and he backs up a step and says "Tamounda!"
When you look up Auroara she glances at you and looks at the Auraprimas and one of them says "What am I expected to do with this mon, Aura?"
"It seems you are to fight it, Prima."
What? Prima is really going to challenge you? At least you know which one she is! Prima looks at Auroara and says "I told you I don't have enough energy to use E-Arc."
Auroara nods. "You don't need any energy to use Horns."
Prima can't help reaching up and touching <span class="mu-r">her horns</span> and looking at Aura! When Aura nods, Prima shifts her stance and glares at you. "Very well. Prepare yourself, mon."
What? You just realized Joe and Sailater might be fighting a match in the arena at the same time you're fighting Prima? You glance up at the ceiling and-
<span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-g">
Auraprima attacks before Cutémon was ready!
Auraprima attacks with Horns!
It really hurts!