>>5817174A foolish notion crossed your mind and you dismissed it, the axe was gone you knew Valyrian steel or no rust & ruin would have surely claimed it and if nothing else no true record of the battle could tell you were it had happened or were your grandsire lay.
Still though…. Tides shifted, cargo thought lost from merchant ships had washed upon Crab isle or the point more than once, wooden crates of Myrish silk, Barrels of mead and wine casks, even chests of coin had made their way to your castle as the smallfolk gave tribute to your Father.
It was a childish fantasy you knew as you descended towards the shore, there would be nothing but rocks and fish if you were lucky, a shark or a chill if you were unlucky, death if you were truly cursed. Still a Valyrian axe…
You chastised yourself even as you disrobed, this was stupid
<span class="mu-s">All men are knights and all knights are fools, at least you aren't wearing armor</span>
<span class="mu-s"> Extended Tracking check</span>
>Simple Obstacle/Unknown destination 70DC>Progress 0/?>Rocky shore -5DC [First round only]>Unencumbered +1 re-roll>65DCCritpass (1) = Ocean Bounty.
Double Pass (<23) = Gentle Currents. As below, negates any loss this round from Treacherous depths.
Double Pass (>23) = Pleasant waters. Gain 1d6 Progress. Ocean Bounty becomes more likely.
Pass = Swift swimming. +1 progress. DC next week increases by 5DC.
Fail = Slow progress. +1 Day progress. DC next week decreases by 5DC.
Double Fail (<87) = Treacherous depths. Lose -1d6 progress. Wrath of the depths becomes more likely.
Double Fail (>87) = Rough currents. As above, reduce to Battered condition.
Crit Fail (100) = Wrath of the depths.SEVEN rolls of 1d100 please you have 1 re-roll, you may choose to exit at the end of each round.
gods be good. there is not enough art of Dragonstone