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There was nothing but a beastial warcry from the Orc as he released his wounded eye and once again wielded his axe with two hands, “Losy git! Eye for da eye!”
As the Orc made his next attack the battle around Lucian was continuing.
The Knights, who had witnessed a near instant route from one of the orcish flanks, had taken the charge towards as to not lose this chance. With one lance making the charge all the others did the same without care for it was their honor at stake.
The pincer slammed into the orcs with a brutal fury. Many princes and their steeds had found themselves impaled at the end of Orcish lances or Goblin daggers yet the vast majority was rocketing through the forces with ease.
The field grew a new shade of green as the blood of orcs was washed upon it. For years after this fight there would be a battle between the peasants and orcish fungi in who would claim this plains but such thoughts were the furthest from anyone’s mind.
Even the Peasants, whipped into a fury by the will of a death god, were throwing themselves at the fields of orcs trying to reach their leader and follower. The fears of death that each would have had removed as Morr puppeted the death around the field.
Lucian could barely see it coming as the Orc made the attack. It was not just the sheer material aptitude that the orc had but the fact that he was so much stronger than a mortal man. Even Lucian, who could easily call himself above most of man, could not match the sheer martial might of the Orc as he brought the axe down upon Lucian’s skull.
Yet Lucian had the advantage of dwarven steel on his side. Throwing his weight into an attack the Black Knight hooked the arms of the orc and caused the attack to be slammed into his other shoulder instead. His feet slowly sank into the ground as the blow threatened to cleave into his shoulder. It did not though and instead rebounded as Lucian continued to place his faith in the steel of Adok.
He gave two strikes against the armor and watched as the flacks of metal came off it. Such ruinous metal was falling apart as Lucian kept trying to find the death stroke. Such he was certain that he might kill the orc, but did he have enough faith in the armor Adok had forged to last against a weapon that had already sheered a portion of the armor?
>Keep faith in it
>Lure the Orc towards the Knights
>Peasant Swarm.