>>6084149ROUND 38
Enclave Edition
Notable Events:
>Canada cedes Fargo (ND) to Order of the Old Gods!! >MEF cedes San Francisco (CA) & Dallas (TX) to Order of the Old Gods!! >Bliss of Befoulment has unified West Virginia!!>C.U.C.K.S. occupying forces reunite Utah!!Battle of Shenandoah Valley
>Order of the Old Gods vs Bliss of Befoulment>(20) vs (30) = 10 victory for BB Seizure of Utah
>Canada vs Utah>(18) vs (0) = 18 strong victory for Canada!Northern California Theater
>Utah vs MEF>(30) vs (10) = 20 strong victory for Utah!Second Battle of Texarkana
>NARG vs MEF>(12) vs (0) = 12 victory for NARGIowa Campaign
>New Florida Republic vs Canada>(14) vs (0) = strong victory for NFRThe Great Adirondack Raids
>Mecha Brandon vs New England>(30) vs (19) = 11 victory for Biden ##################################
>>6084218>Rolled 8750 (1d9999)Order of the Old Gods +20
>>6084222>Rolled 6417 (1d9999)C.U.C.K.S. +14 WA+2 (+4 Solomon bonus (divided by 2) = +2 fuff)
>>6084227>Rolled 3838 (1d9999) pali_3Imperial Utah +30 NE+2
>>6084239>Rolled 6351 (1d9999)NFR +8 TN+3 FL+3
>>6084309>Rolled 5707 (1d9999) pali_3Bliss of Befoulment +30
>>6084337>Rolled 8743 (1d9999)MEF +10
>>6084385>Rolled 4566 (1d9999)Mecha Brandon +30
(nearly straight_4)
>>6084405>Rolled 9056 (1d9999)NARG +12
>>6084663>Rolled 7259 (1d9999)New England +18 ME+1