>>5777725>>5777829>>5777857>>5777871>>5777892>>5777999>>5778009>>5778151You reach for your pipe. Before you stuff in the tobacco you take care to look if it’s been cleaned as per your instructions to Mrs Merts. It has, she has also ignited the fireplace as per your instructions. You stuff in some tobacco, not the too heavy stuff you need a clean head for this to make sense.
You then take out the matchbox and strike up the match before plunging it into the bowl with the tobacco, before too long you are surrounded by the exhumes of the pipe. You lean into your Wing Chair.
What on earth does Richard Wagner, a German composer who only died about twenty years ago,have to do with the legacy of a bunch of 12th century heretics?
For that matter, the legend of King Arthur was originally a brythonic tale before being adapted by French authors who turned it into a chivalric romance genre.
Clearly, there is much to study about later after dinner, you will consult your personal library for clues.
Still, dinner was a bit off, but that gave you time to think. If you couldn’t find any clues here you might want to travel to the places that the notes somewhat talked about.
If you wished to investigate the cathars you would have to go to southern France. Around the cities of Albi and Toulouse to be specific.
Going after Wagner would mean travelling to Bavaria and to be more specific to Bayreuth where he is buried.
The Arthur mythos would mean journeying to the British isles and perhaps France, you are under no illusion that you would find Camelot or Avalon but the sources of the works are probably there.
Still, you won’t travel until later. And you are not certain if you will travel alone, or if you will bring along company.
Just as soon as you had finished dinner you withdrew to your study to properly begin research on the subjects.
>Consult books on the grail>Consult books on the cathars>Consult books on Richard Wagner>Consult books on the Arthurian mythos