>>6177675>>6177712Well to summarise, my train of thought was this
1/ Why do people write fiction / invent the fantasy stories?
>>6176915>>6177218Obviously this necessitates inordinate effort / exertion etc. I postulate it is because deep down, they are trying to retell or reconcile themselves with some unspeakable trauma / regret / ordeal, which cannot be communicated in ordinary society because of guilt / shame / pain etc, so they must then reformulate these feelings as a fictional story. I mentioned it before on a past qtg, but just look at JK Rowling lol many people read Harry Potter and think OH MY GOD VOLDEMORT SO EVIL it must be like Ukraine lol or Mark Hamill as opposed to the psychological trauma of her Portuguese husband abuse episode / escape to Scotland (it's Hogwarts lol) at least in her retelling of it hehe
2/ Where does THE PAIN come from? Why relive it again and again?
Well this is why I cite that KUBARK manual lol
>>6177535 I suppose you could point to any psychology textbook hehe but according to the torture interrogators, pain is far more effective and enduring when it is supplied and constantly reinforced from WITHIN YOURSELF, ie using / turning your own internal shame, guilt etc mechanisms against you as opposed to outside pain (which can be resisted / externalised / rationalised / dissociated from, blame the outside entity etc) The KUBARK manual suggests the guilt shame regulation mechanisms originate in the authority / hierarchy of parent-child relationships. So why do this to yourself? And that leads to...
I mentioned before I believe the moral purpose resides at the boundary of whenever fiction bleeds into reality (and vice versa), at some level it is the transference of your experience / memory, life wisdom learnings regrets etc into the imaginary realm, back and forth both ways.
>>6177404 Possibly the pain can only end or be transcended when you overcome the established authority / hierarchy that is the structural source of your internalised guilt / shame architecture etc. This is like the final videogame boss fight. I don't really know how to do this, it probably involves bdsm things but my best attempt at it was just calling the CIA gay.
>>6177550 Is it really that controversial?