>>5669560>>5669564Note that the player specified clearly to me over discord that they wanted +1 camo, but made the typo. Since it's not mentioned in the thread and roll, I've given them the +1 camo but it'll use up their lifeline for turn mistakes. Speaking of which, at the end of this turn, turn 5, no more lifelines will be given!
> "Viral Insubordination"- This creature is attempting to rebel against the order and slay Vaccine-types. Its refusal to be subjugated has led it to develop stronger weapons.IG: TAG: VIRUS. This species only expands by 1d3-1. This species may eat species the same size as it, but only if it has more weapons than their defenses. This creature receives +1 weapons for every additional VIRUS tag they have over another creature's type tags (DATA, VACCINE, VIRUS). If it has multiple traits with the VIRAL tag, this trait is negated last.