Rolled 1 + 1 (1d3 + 1)
fudged format. Carrying on.
I ask for grace, fellows. "No. Load everything in the larger car. Break up the small wagon for wood, and load it all too. Leave some space for me."
He waits for you to ask the obvious, how you will draw a mule wagon with no mules. You arrive on the answer just before he says it.
"You will draw it. For training. You seem <span class="mu-i">adequate</span> in movement, but your fingers and toes are too weak to hold weapons while performing the Devouring Transformations. Merely binding your weapons to your hands causes other problems. If you need to change grip or throw your weapons, you cannot; if one becomes trapped your hand is trapped with it. With a weapon tied in each hand, what will you do then? Cut off one hand? Fool.
"After you are done moving the chattel and breaking the wagon. I will teach you the Serral Ring Mandibular and Sickle Splay Incisor, the basic offensive component of the Thousand Segment Carrionpede Form. Do not fall asleep in front of me again; this time it will not be a pebble that wakes you."
A pebble, he says. That granite chunk was bigger than your fist.
But you bow anyway, low, to the waist, as if he said nothing weird. As if he wasn't bullybugging. This is Lying With One's Face; another useful lesson learned.
"Yah, Seafood. Imma do."
>Gained 18 STUFFS from the fight>CURRENT STUFFS BALANCE 20*****
<span class="mu-s">
Or, the goblin conception of suspended value.
STUFFS ( § ) are readily usable or tradable items without immediate combat or medicinal value, including small coins, lesser herbs, cloth, and tinkerware.
As gobliny Stuffs are considered mostly junk by the Weak Races, bartering is done at a poor exchange
>QM rollan 1d3+1 to establish current rates of exchange for Stuffs § per Grain Ꮆ.
GRAINS ( Ꮆ ) are a common traderoute tender of the region, acceptable on most parts of the continent. Their mintage is of dulted silver (~20% actual silver, remainder nickle) the size of an American 25¢; (<2.5cm diameter, <0.2cm thickness).
Cash Holders have a toolset called Treasury (col. "Dare Usury") Tines: a pair of identical tuning wands and a set of plates of various alloys and sizes. To test for accepted compositional purity one wand is struck against a plate with the same composition as the tender, and the tender is struck with the other wand. The resulting notes from the two wands are compared. If they match, the coin or piece is good.
Ꮆ coins in small denominations are not often tested, but if a large quantity is given to the Cash Holders, or a small consistent amounts from a suspicious source, the CHs will have their junior clerks do checks by random selection of up to a third of them.
Stampers, aka coinforgers, usually try their luck doing larger non-local coinage; stamping small just wastes everyone's time. But any CH staff will tell you that small value bad stamps are still in circulate, though dwindling. Seems the stampers succeeded and stopped.