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The next day was one of the more workfilled days that Lucian had ever had the pleasure of committing himself towards. From the break of dawn the Nobleman was pacing through the market square trying to retrieve materials that would become his banner.
He could only do this on his own. He had remembered even before the sun had risen that Adok was already upon his feet stuffing Lucian’s Black Armor into a sack for transport. Lucian had asked what the Dwarf was doing and the response was as thus:
<span class="mu-i">“Working on your armor, Umgi! Once I’m done with it the armor will be thrice as thick and weigh that much more.”</span>
Without much more explanation the Dwarf was gone. Lucian had noted that the Dwarf was carrying, besides the pieces of armor, a large amount of coinage that was a mix of both the Dwarf’s and Count Remon’s savings. In this time of war Lucian could not imagine the amount of money that was to change hands by the virtue of the Dwarf’s labor.
All he did know was that he would be placing his trust into the stout smith. As Lucian was running around he dreamed of what the Master Smith had concocted within his alien mind that was so different from what mankind was making.
The Squire allowed that to brighten his day as he got a series of dyes. The shanty town was still recovering from the terrors of the previous few days and as such made it near impossible for Lucian to find anyone selling in the streets. Because of this he was forced to enter establishments that were selling from storefronts.
Said people did not hold Lucian back or bar him from entry. Such was the fear they had as they looked upon the Peasant now Nobleman. To them Lucian was an enigma that was as equal a terror as any other bloodthirsty Knight. Him becoming one of their rank was natural, at least to those native to Bastonne.
Lucian found, to his enjoyment, that the green dye was the cheapest among all of them. Quickly he bought the next cheapest of the dyes, red, knowing from his experiences with his sisters that mixing the two of them together would give the Nobleman that black dye that he so needed.