You swam on and on through black voids and paused with a frown…..the grotto? Had you gone in circles or was this a new one?
<span class="mu-s">Extended Tracking check - Black abyss/lingering light</span>
>Once more unto darkness/unknown destination UNKNOWN DC>Progress ??/49>Unencumbered +1 re-rol>Shadowed abyss +2 Adverse re-roll>Gain Mermaid's blessing [+1 Save to sailing and pathfinding checks at sea]>Extended period underwater -5C>Pass? [57] >Pass? [5] >Pass? [55] Doubles [6]>Pass? [43] >Pass? [21] >Pass? [87] >Pass? [2] >DC=??Critpass (1) = Abyssal bounty
Double Pass (<23) = Gentle Currents. As below, negates any loss this round from Treacherous depths.
Double Pass (>23) = Pleasant waters. Gain 1d6 Progress. Ocean Bounty becomes more likely.
Pass = Swift swimming. +1 progress. DC increases by 5DC.
Fail = Slow progress. +1 progress. DC decreases by 5DC.
Double Fail (<87) = Treacherous depths. Lose -1d6 progress. Lost to the abyss becomes more likely.
Double Fail (>87) = Rough currents. As above, reduce to Injured condition.
Crit Fail (86-100) =Lost to the abyss Seven rolls of 1d100 please! you have one re-roll, there are two adverse re-rolls, you have one SAVE.
<span class="mu-s">If anyone knew you were here singers could make a song of you ''Alyn the fish'' they could call it</span>
>>5820514Death is a very real possibility, the cold is not a concern
yet neither is pressure
Rising is not guranteed to save you at this point and is two checksYou were warned.