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Pain and lethargy rubbed through his body as Lucian walked his way through the Library. It was much different from the fields of training that Lucian was forced to endure. Here there was not an angry dwarf who was ready to beat you into submission or a knight who, while past his prime, shall drive a lance several feet through your gut if you make one mistake.
Here was a calm place where those who would press Lucian into the art of war rarely came. Lucian was thankful for them all, and in truth he was pushing his body beyond what it should do. For this cost the Peasant Knight needed to rest.
Yet here he did not truly rest. Where his body could not fight onwards his mind was still sharp. He needed to gain the knowledge that was locked away within the texts of others to learn the truths of the world. To be able to travel to distant lands like the Empire. And, finally, to display that he had truly become one of the Nobility.
In not being able to read he was behind. So he trained his mind on the axel of ink marks.
At such a late hour Lucian knew of no one who would interrupt his attempts at reading. Both of his warrior fellows were also in a sense his tutors in reading and writing, yet they were either busy working on new armor or sleeping at this hour. Such was special about the book within Lucian’s hands that it was not standard.
Upon its pages were pictures, each of them having a short paragraph next to it describing the picture. Here Lucian could see a Knight fighting a dragon, the text next to it detailing the trials of Grail Knight Chevlon in his killing of the Osimer Dragon.
The detail of the art was quite something Lucian admitted and he could stare at it for hours. The flakes of gold that were embroidered in not just the picture but the lettering made this book clearly something Lucian would not have wielded so long ago.
When Remon described this as a book that inspired him as a youth, Lucian understood why now. It was kindling to the fire that was burning within the chest of the warrior.
It was then, as he looked upon these pages, that he heard the door creeping open. The Knight turning to see someone walking into the room with fair skin and brown hair. Lucian knew she was a noblewoman from first glance but was struck as the woman looked upon him.