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Like all yez bezt ideez, you geddit while taking a roit massiv plopp.
In jez two days you gotz a big heapa lewts and found out where you might hit Plague Town's main protector right inniz feelz very very hurtily.
What next, after all that success? How, without risking your limbs or lobes, are you finna top it?
So you takes a shidd, and waitz for ideez to come fillen in while you empty out.
Izza guudun, owing to almost two weeks of a nearly all bugg and grubb diet, and adequate hydration: you shid inna liberal splatty spray that, several timelines and dimensions away, might be called Pollockian.
And the idee hits you like dungg in the face, like always: <span class="mu-i">this</span> is how you'll toppa. Exactly <span class="mu-i"><span class="mu-g">this</span></span>.
You'll shidd. Go an make a gummy mess of someone else' things. Not just inna summun's field or over theys maters n taters; you're doin it in theys 'ouse! And not jez inna 'ouse, you'll do like it's YER 'ouse! You'll use <span class="mu-i">theirs</span> shidd drawras! (why do dey keep fillen deys shiddrawras wiv nice silky cotteny butt wipeys (socks and underwear), but nivvir use anys?) (welp! don't mind if you do, and carnt catch you if they do! Nyerr!)
You run yez spread skid meats over the grass to clean it, like a dog on a carpet, wipe your hands absently on Seafood's hovel wall as you pass.
You'e already decided on tonight's menu of mischief: yous goin killen.
You've been busy wiv a few fings since arriving in Plague Town out of necessity, but the original reason for coming here hasnt dribbled out your head: Plague Town is EASY, quiet, far away from anything that might resemble help.
The Plague, Bad Magic that was making all kinds of deddies come up, was fully stomped only a liddle long bit back, mebbe 6 - 8 munfs. Lots of the original townies that could put up a decent scrap had either bugged out or died; the ones that stayed got starved and beaten thin.
The workers coming in to rebuild the Church were the only real lively ones, and theys usually sleepybye at night from working like slaves all day.
The Plague had been so bad when news got out that outy-townies still thought of it as Plague Town right now. Even free real estate was not a reason to stay or put roots in Plague Town except for the truly weak and choiceless, or the reckless lunatic.
Or scummer druggies, which fit in both categories nicely.
Goblins don't use druggs much, apart from maybe their (Wich) Doctors, because Goblins ar WINNAZ. As well, having constitutions with a robustness evolved to deal with their proverbial squalor filters out all but the strongest of psychotropics; the typical goblin would rather dump any schedule A druggs it gets into some public water source ('magine twenty Humie biddies freakken out around the village well, screamen n cryen n fighten to be the first to jump in n drown, <span class="mu-g">kekekekekek</span>), or trade a big lick of it to a kinderling for a fidgy spinney.