>>5479552>>5479555>>5479560>>5479569>>5479571>>5479613>>5479848He knows of these creatures, and has been eager for an excuse to set out and face one. Accompanied by a contingent of your folk and his own, he sets off to further challenge himself.
West, in along the river, a devilsaur moves in to investigate the gathering. The intrepid barbarian rushes in to meet it alone in single combat. Your people, still skeptical about his bravado, worry that he is rushing to meet his end. Soon enough they learn just how wrong they were. The man fearlessly faces down his titanic foe, dodging its undoubtedly instantly-fatal bites before managing to get upon its back. It tries to shake him off, but he holds onto the spikes protruding from its back, howling with laughter as he rides the monstrous animal and has the time of his life. Eventually he scales its back to its head and brings his axe down upon its skull, driving it deeply into its brain. The monster falls in the dust and the assembled peoples cheer. The prowess of this warrior is truly unmatched!
Having slain the largest buck of the land, your passage west is guaranteed. His people go about the work of skinning and using the remnants of the beast as he retrieves his axe. He comments that it was a good fight, but that he is still bored; perhaps two of them would serve a better challenge.
Further west, your people discover the source of the contagion: the rat-goblins your people once met. It seems they have developed a practice of dumping their dead in the river tied to stones, and given their putrid lack of hygiene and diseased appearance already, their rotting dead are releasing who knows what into the water supply that feeds into your lake. As they live alongside the river and get all of their water from further upstream, they don't seem to have noticed what their tradition has caused.
What is our reaction to these events?