Quoted By:
>"I… should be going." Midoriya mumbles before turning back to the road you all came in from.
"One last thing. You said you believe we'd be safer not knowing." You state, stopping him in his tracks and getting him to nod. "...Are <span class="mu-i">you</span> safe, Midoriya?" You don’t feel like calling him Deku anymore.
>"...I said I wouldn't lie to you." He answers after a long moment of thought before turning away once more. If you hadn't already strained your patience with the boy, you would jokingly call him out for giving you such a long ‘no’.
Maybe, if you are lucky, you might get back to a pleasant yet distant friendship with him. Maybe after the break.
Or maybe he’ll change his mind and spill the beans before then!
…Ya, that’s just as likely as him ever turning on and being critical of All-Might.
“Might as well ask for the moon while Ah’m at it.” You mumble to yourself.
You turn back to Bakugo who keeps a deadened stare straight ahead, to where Midoriya just disappeared around the corner, all the while sporting his usual grimace. You are about to explain to him that it is just a figure of speech before you remember and refocus on the fact that you just <span class="mu-i">talked him down from violence.</span>
You are not exactly sure how your mind momentarily wandered off from that.
“Er, like I said sugah, it’s th-” You try to answer, but your canned line doesn't cut it for him.
>“No. Why did you involve me? You could’ve cornered Midoriya yourselves. By yourselves. But you didn’t. You did it in front of me so I’d get involved. So that I could pick him apart if you couldn’t, right? Do things my way? But you stopped me. So if it wasn’t that, then why include me at all?”
You shoot Shoto a glance, who returns it, anticipating an answer from you as well.
“Well, to start, Ah definitely thought about doing things you-”
This time, Bakugo interrupts you with an aggressive breath through clenched teeth, his hands starting to smoke while his eyes remain locked on the end of the alley way.
“Uh, nevermind…Ah think it’s because you have just as much right to know as well. You were an assassin’s target with Shoto, right? Also you had already overheard our last get-together at the sports festival. And, uh… Ah figured that if we included you, there’d be a chance you’d be open to tellin’ what you learned when you were pummeling that assassin?
That last one was a bit of a white lie as you had completely forgotten until now that you wanted to ask him if he had gleaned anything from that creep. Not like you were going to seek Bakugo out after school instead of meeting up with Shoto anyways. You know one certainly likes your company more than the other.
“Maybe all our pieces together would make a clearer picture or somethin’…"