>>6086521ROUND 39
Notable Events:
>NFR has reunited Tennessee!!Second Battle of Memphis
>NFR vs MEF>(13) vs (8) = 5 victory for New FloridaBlue Ridge Mountains Campaign
>Bliss of Befoulment vs Order of the Old Gods>(12) vs (18) = 6 victory for OOGConquest of Texas
>NARG vs MEF>(30) vs (0) = 30 significant victory for NARGSiege of Rochester (NY)
>New England vs Mecha Brandon>(13) vs (8) = 5 victory for NEWestern Washington Campaign
>Imperial Utah vs C.U.C.K.S.>(10) vs (14) = 4 minor victory for C.U.C.K.S##################################
>>6086525>Rolled 9093 (1d9999)New Florida Republic +10 FL+3
>>6086569>Rolled 2402 (1d9999)MEF +8
>>6086574>Rolled 7846 (1d9999)Bliss of Befoulment +12
>>6086578>Rolled 3488 (1d9999) dubsNARG +30
>>6086579>Rolled 0985 (1d9999)New England +12 ME+1
>>6086605>Rolled 4449 (1d9999)Order of the Old Gods +18
>>6086631>Rolled 2961 (1d9999)Mecha Brandon +8
>>6086652>Rolled 7584 (1d9999)Imperial Utah +10
>>6086916>Rolled 7218 (1d9999)C.U.C.K.S. +14
Might tally up territories and capitals for round 40.
Let's play until round 50 then declare a victor!
>If I were to create a new map, where would you like to play next? >Europe? North America? New York?