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The Regina charges her would-be suitor with a task that displays a different kind of strength; one of uniting the tribes for a purpose other than a goal of destroying civilization, but rather empowering it. With both groups weakened as they are since last age's conflict, a joining of your peoples would be wise and strengthen both. She explains about the quality of life that agriculture has brought with it, and promises to share your people's knowledge with them, making them stronger as well.
He scratches his chin. It wouldn't be an easy task, due to the animosity that still exists; many who live now were still around for that battle, and their children have grown up with that lingering animosity. Many cases of bad blood yet exist. In order to do this, he would need to convince each of the eight clans to join, and work with the Regina to ensure that their integration into your society goes smoothly.
However, he boasted that he is afraid of no challenge, and so sets about the task in order to win the hand of the beautiful queen. He returns south and calls for a conclave, a meeting of the clans. Such a thing has not been done since the last failed invasion. They heed his call, and all barbarians arrive to listen to his words. He gives an impassioned speech about strength, and how it can take many forms; the north has proven their strength through resilience and determination, and that the physical might of the south could not overcome it---twice. The brain and the hand are separate, but the strength of the brain is meaningless without a hand to grasp things, and the hand is meaningless without the brain to command it.
As for all of the barbarians who disagree, he challenges them to single combat. Several prominent clan leaders, those who fought in the battle last age, step forward, but the younger and stronger barbarian defeats them all, wrestling them into submission. As the sun sets, all eight clan leaders kneel to him, and he effectively becomes the new Barbarian King. Their only condition of their submission to our society is to maintain their family lands, where they have lived, fought and died for generations; their burial grounds, in particular, are important to them. Knowing that this should not be a problem, he accepts their conditions.
The barbarians march north once again, only this time it is not to destroy but to create something new. The Regina and the Barbarian King meet amidst a congregation of both peoples and she formally welcomes their clans and accepts his proposal. Their union is symbolic of the union of the two peoples. The half-elven nations of your homeland and the clans of the south is secured, and a grand celebration follows. Even those who fought against each other last age find themselves celebrating with their former enemies.