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<span class="mu-s">[ARSE KEEPEN]</span>
Or, the Gobliny Conception of Art and Literature
As a race unconcerned with numeracy beyond the accounting of §tuff§ and the ordering of Mobz for <span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-i">weeergh</span></span>(similar to the Orcish <span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-g">WAAAGH</span></span>, but reedier and more annoying), or needs beyond the carnal that necessitate more precise and abstract language, the hidden heights of Gobliny Art cannot be appreciated without the correct paradigm.
When Goblins embark upon any kind of production it is never intended to last, as the Goblin recognizes fundamentally that things are made to be stolen, and it follows logically that if they were not really worth stealing they would be stolen last.
The Goblin also recognizes that all needs, and thus all things kludged in pursuit and service of those needs, are as transient as the Goblin, so there's no need to make things that "Endure the Earth", as Dwarves do.
This perspective is natural to a Goblin, as at their longest lived Goblins barely make half a century, most usually dead between before age 8 from Adventurer activity, and most of the rest from dagger-inna-back-based inter-goblin conflict communications before age 16. Most Goblins in the GS setting below the age of 10 do not even take a name, as they should not have accomplished enough to gain a notoriety sufficient to peg a <span class="mu-i">nom de gobb</span>.
The success of any piece of Gobliny manufacture/architecture/engineering, or kludge, is measured by themselves according to a few vital metrics: how little §tuff§ was needed and how quickly the kludge was produced against how well it addressed the immediate need. Beyond that is a waste of Times and gud gubbins to a Goblin, which should be better spent on activities that add to one's <span class="mu-i">joie de vert</span>, vis, nikken, nummen, n pluppen.
These foundational assumptions are carried over to Gobliny artistic endeavor, which, while not in direct pursuit of nikkens, nummens and pluppens, contribute tangentally to all future pursuits of said.
Every Goblin wishes as a matter of course to the baddest and bossest gobber they can be, and the more observant of them will "twigg on" that badness and bossness seems to build on and attract more of same. The most ruminant of these natural philosophers will make the leap that if a gobb can project his badness and bossness beyond his immediate presence and situation, he will over time be a kind of a Mob of One, thus attracting attract continuous rivers of badness and bossness to himself wholly undeserved.
This has been called Makey Lewt-all More-getting by the Goblins themselves, and Maximized Liminal Malefacting by gobbthropologists (Cheems duWant et al).
It is on just such enlightened footing that most Goblin literati embark on their careers: to gain an infamy unearned, and by it lay the grounds for actual legend.
Adventurers of other races write memoirs do so after retirement from Adventure; Goblin adventurers do so as early as before they embark.