>>6092907ROUND 46 / 50
Notable Events:
>C.U.C.K.S. has united Michigan!!>C.U.C.K.S. controls Lansing (MIC former capital)!!>MEF controls Comanche (Rep. of TX former capital)!!Battle of Peoria (IL)
>The Old Gods vs New Florida Republic>(10) vs (18) = 8 victory for NFRTEXAS CAMPAIGN *WITH CORRECTIONS
NARG vs MEF (R.45)
>>6092014>>6093507>6 victory for MEFGREAT BATTLE FOR TEXAS
>NARG vs MEF (R.46)>(8) vs (20) = 12 victory for MEF Michigan Campaign
>C.U.C.K.S. vs Mecha Brandon>(69) vs (0) = decisive victory for Canada Battle of Bismarck (ND)
Utah vs C.U.C.K.S.
(12) vs (0) = 12 victory for Utah
The Great Battle of Southern Alleghenies (PA)
>Mecha Brandon vs New England>(8) vs (14) = 6 victory for NECentral New Jersey Tactical Movement
>Bliss of Befoulment vs New England>(8) vs (0) = 8 victory for BB##################################
>>6092910>Rolled 3392 (1d9999)NARG +8
>>6092935>Rolled 9385 (1d9999)New Florida Republic +12 NT+3 FL+3
>>6092947>Rolled 2169 (1d9999) 69C.U.C.K.S. +69
>>6093002>Rolled 7154 (1d9999)THE OLD GODS +10
>>6093019>Rolled 8032 (1d9999)Imperial Utah +8 WA+2 NE+2
>>6093054>Rolled 9368 (1d9999)>>6093507>>6093515es culpa mia; see corrections above.
MEF +14 CA+6
>>6093150>Rolled 9941 (1d9999)Mecha Brandon +8
>>6093425>Rolled 4475 (1d9999)New England +12 NY+1 ME+1
>>6093490>Rolled 8231 (1d9999)Bliss of Befoulment +8