>>5799048They want us to get closer, eh? Well, let them come close, you got questions of your own.
"What's going on? Rare to see the gate closed." You probe.
"City's closed due to villainy, ma'am." Ah, the ever-ambiguous 'villainy' clause. It could be a crime spree, terror attack, or just public disturbance - their government does not want to tell details, that's for sure.
"Ah, then, could we just stop and refuel? Surely there's a way."
The guard looked as if he's heard this song and dance a thousand times today.
"Sorry ma'am, unless you're a resident of the city, or is part of the relief team... better try your luck at Crypt." Hmm, you smell a Conniving coming up.
You are momentarily Craig, absorbing the two spells Trickster chose for you; one of them allows you to create a spare body out of thought matter, and the other one just... rearranges reality when it hits something. The mana flows into you so fast, it causes you to feel fatigued - but suddenly, Nemo grips your hand.
"Craig, I want you to promise me something." His singular eye feels like it's staring through your soul.
"Promise me that you won't use them recklessly." Huh, sounds like a reasonable request...
>CONNIVING MECHANICS REFRESHER>EACH OF THE OPTIONS IN A CONNIVING EVENT HAS HIDDEN BONUSES AND MALUSES DEPENDING ON CONTEXT AND TRAITS>THE MORE THEY FIT THE MORE BONUSES THEY HAVE>BONUSES OR MALUSES WILL BE ADDED TO A 1D20 ROLL, WHICH PLAYERS SUBMIT WITH THEIR CHOICE>BEST ROLL OUT OF FIRST 3 MAJORITY CHOICE GETS CHOSEN>CHOOSE ONE (ROLL 1D20, TO BEAT: 11)>□ "Actually, we're residents here, we bought an apartment the other day">□ "We're actually with the relief team, have they arrived yet?">□ "We're not with the relief team, but we're qualified to help." Ask Nemo to show credentials>□ "We're the backup team, Sierra sent us.">□ Other (fill in)>ALSO CHOOSE ONE>□ Promise>□ No promise